Transport Services
Our transport services ensure your goods reach their destination safely and on time
Your Reliable Transport Solutions
We represent almost 50 years of experience in High Value, Time sensitive location logistics
Transportation at an affordable price
Sustaining the long term relationship with clients through proactive approach
Own fleet of trucks, cranes, Heavy duty / Long Vehicles and machinery to meet all the needs of clients
Providing best quality service to ensure the client satisfaction
Curtain trucks: For certain loads, no conventional semi-trail- er beats the open access of a flatbed. The curtain side trailer combine the advantages of a flatbed with the covering and contain- ment benefits of an enclosed trailer.
Tank trucks: Tank trucks are used to multi-function collect- ing and transportation of milk and other liquid food articles. We offer tanks with vari- ous capacity and various types of chassis of trucks and trailors. Tank trucks are adapted to individual customer requirements.